According to a quotation by James Humes, “[t]he art of communication is the language of leadership.” Provide your employees with a way to hone their ability to communicate effectively, and you will cultivate your business to be an industry leader. Microsoft Unified Communications may be just what you need to propel your organisation further.

Rebuilding The Backbone

Traditional communications systems are riddled with wrinkles that prevent peak performance and productivity. Having to constantly switch contexts means that you will experience interruptions in work rhythm. Meetings are not optimised for efficacy. It is easy to get caught up in ‘communications overload’.

Microsoft Teams’ cloud-based architecture has already been adopted by more than 125,000 organisations around the globe since its launch half a year ago — recognising that success is about teamwork. The next step in the evolution is building upon a new Skype type infrastructure.

Using Microsoft Teams as the nucleus, the improved Microsoft system will integrate files, Microsoft Office applications, conversations, calls, and meetings, supplemented by data and insights offered by Microsoft Graph. Over time, Microsoft Teams will dethrone Skype for Business as the main facilitator of intelligent conversations in the context of Office 365.

An Evolved Meeting Life Cycle

Imagine a more fruitful, efficient meeting with an intelligent communications system that:

• calls up and disseminates relevant documents and information — including details about the meeting participants — before the meeting so team members can properly prepare in advance

• captures the conversation using voice recognition, closed captioning and time codes, and transcribes it, so remarks are properly attributed to the individuals who made them

• allows the entire team to search and review action items, notes, documents, and conversations.
Microsoft has already started to roll out quest access, which allows and facilitates collaboration with outside parties.

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Our moto is to keep simplicity in IT and business, a Productiv team member is only a call or message away.